Who are you and whose are you?

Who are you and whose are you?

When Jesus asked the disciples who He is, they replied, some say you are Elijah, John the Baptist, and Jeremiah the prophet. Then Jesus ask Peter, and says, you are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. And Jesus replied, that did not come from you but from my Father in Heaven. When John the Baptist were ask who he is, and they told who him he is as Elijah or a prophet, he replied “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.” He knows who is he exactly who he is. Know who you are is to pause for a second and close your eyes, and this question, who am I? When you are talking to yourself, it means you are affirming what is confirmed in you. If you say I am child of GOD. I am rich, I will never get sick and I’m healthy, my relationship is good, my friends love be hang around me. Or the opposite of it all, it creates who you are.

The world is lying to you when the world is dictation on how you live. You should take control of your life, let God have a complete will be done. If you allow the Holy Spirit to change you, you have the desire of doing what He is telling you, then your world will change.

Who you are is who you think you are. The mind set in your brain dictates who you are. And who you are is how you picture your world. Never allow anyone and anybody will tell who you are, even if they think they know who you are. The Lord God is the one who owns you. He can take your life today and whenever He wishes for you to go!


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