Is your achievement and accomplishment validated?

In everything we accomplish and achieve, especially when it is good or great, we want others to see it and brag about it. But when it is failure or not in anyway standards, we tend to hide it under the rug, for people not to see it. Why do we value what others have to say about our accomplishments? And why is there a grading system, that you have to follow the world rules and not yours?

Validation is usually attached to self pride and feeling somewhat important when you accomplish something. You want an instant gratification and have it posted on your Facebook wall for people to click like and share. But if it’s failure or negative results, no way in the world you wish for people to know. In the society we live in, we want others to take notice what we achieve or accomplish, rather than being humble. Try to post your screw ups, and see what will they say about you.

Accomplishment and achievement is something that has been reached successfully. Both are the act of reaching your goal, with the degree of motivation and strength. Accomplishment is attached to acquired knowledge and during the process with application, wisdom is applied, then the result is accomplishment achieved.

Achievement motivation is defined as meeting realistic goals. It is targeted and pointed to, a result driven, thrive and strive. It has a distinct approach where you intend to finish what you started.

What you fail to realize is, it is self validation or self stamp of approval, when you want others to take notice of it. It is important that you stay humble and down to earth individual. Never take your own accomplishments and brag about it.

And most importantly the validation comes from God. When God validated your work, it always a standing ovation and never a failure in His eyes.

Anybody and I mean everybody wants to be validated, up-to the smallest accomplishment they have done. Take God as your audience and make Him the judge, before asking others to be the judge. Never ask anyone else as, you might get rejected and you won’t continue what you are doing. Just celebrate the small wins you have, and continue about doing it.

Always keep in mind, we are not to meant be accepted by everyone and especially those negative people that has something negative to say. They have nothing else better to do, than to keep judging others, sometimes it’s their full time job. Little that you know, they have accomplished nothing for themselves. Always focus on your own self, rather than comparing and looking at the other side of the fence.

Now let’s get to the bottom line, if God validated your accomplishment, that means, it has to be, for His glory, and believe me it is always approved and no evaluation needed. Everything that you do, has to be for His glory, no matter what. Even those failures, are also being seen by God. How do we deal with it? By our own might or by His might, strength and power. When you pass or fail, He is the only one to validate and approve. If you want validation, look up and have God be the validator, not man, not you.


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